greater tampa realtors

Greater Tampa Realtors: 5 Signs That You Have a Bad Real Estate Agent

Buying or selling a home in Tampa can undeniably be a taxing experience. It can be time intensive, stressful, and downright exhausting. Having a dependable realtor can help you streamline the process with resources, advice, and options. But, finding greater Tampa realtors who understand the dynamics and obstacles like floodplains and sinkholes in the area can be a challenge in and of itself. If you’re not certain of what separates good realtors from the bad, here are five signs of a bad real estate agent.

Communications Issues

After meeting your agent for the first time, you want him or her to touch base with you regularly to provide every necessary detail. Besides, they should show interest in the business and be a call away whenever you need them. Although you shouldn’t expect them to be on call round the clock, he or she should respond to phone calls, texts, and voice on time. If the agent acts too flaky or is too busy for you, then there’s a high likelihood that you have a failure of an agent on your hands.

Lack of Leadership

When you sign up for business with a realtor, it’s only natural for them to manifest sheer expertise. You want the agent to come prepared with research, know your market and obviously act on your behalf. More importantly, they should be able to analyze all your options and make you see things you may not notice about the property. If he or she agrees with everything you suggest and doesn’t seem to care, have zero tolerance for such people.


When buying or selling a property, there is the need for a high level of trust between you and your realtor. He or she should be your collaborator and teammate throughout the process. If they are giving you a false picture of their background, strengths, and abilities, run! Run fast! Such realtors are only best according to the back of the bus, magazine or shopping cart.


Another telltale sign of a bad real estate agent is unprofessionalism. These may include but is not limited to, showing up late to appointments, disorganized, lack of info on the property, documents or comparative market evaluation. Such agents are only likely to cause delays in your investment.

Not Genuine

A realtor should represent only you and put your best interest first. Better put, they should not collect both the buyer and seller side commission. If the agent is double dipping, take it as a tip-off you need to give them the boot. Why? They are likely to lure you into purchasing a property that you are just not into.

Work With Greater Tampa Realtors From The Start

If you already have a good realtor, perfect! Count yourself lucky. But if you don’t, Tampa Bay Realty has greater Tampa realtors who understand the real estate market and are committed to helping land the best deal at the right price. Contact us today and learn how we can help.

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